Standardized Tests Or Portfolio Assessment – Which Is Better For Students

In most schools, the assessment of students’ ability is made through standardized tests. In recent years, there have been many criticisms raised against this method of assessment. Besides, the use of a portfolio system has been pointed out as the best alternative capable of revealing the ability of the students in a better way. Below is a discussion on the same.

The Alternative

Standardized testing is supposedly intended to make conditions equal for all participating students. Despite the diversity of location, and culture, these exams are decided by individuals other than classroom teachers. These are expected to bring out the real reflection of what students know. The truth is that these standardized tests are misleading in most cases. They support those who are privileged and who have better skills at taking tests. They may bring out a biased result, making a bad situation for the students to deal with at a young age.

There are several other ways to measure the depth of the students’ understanding. These should be based on individual situations and take into consideration the various circumstances that each student undergoes. It is suggested that kids should be encouraged to create portfolio online which can be implemented at a national level or state level that offers a better insight into the student’s knowledge and ability.

Benefits Of Portfolios In The Learning Process

Under the portfolio system, the students would be issued an online account where their work can be collected and scanned over time. It would be possible to share this data with the parents, teachers, and future teachers. The record of a student’s works would be readily available and this offers a better understanding of the capacity of the student. The students can be allowed to showcase a few of the works that they are proud of. The criteria for selecting these works may be fixed by the schools or states. The final decision on the works to display should lie with the students. The teachers should be supportive of the students. This method will definitely help to bring out the best abilities in a student.

Once the students are done with the selection of their favorite selections, they should be allowed to describe in their own words, the ways they adopted and the essence of what they learned. The younger students should be supported and provided with feedbacks. After every term, students should discuss their positives of the previous year

and set goals for the upcoming year. They should be given the responsibility to talk about the areas where they have improved and decide on their future goals.

Apart from content related assignments, students should be encouraged to demonstrate their interpersonal skills like collaboration, communication, and self-regulation. Since every kid is different, this method allows them to showcase their abilities in various ways. It accepts and acknowledges diversity on students which are the greatest flaw of the standardized test which supports only those who are good at tests.

Allowing students to be seen as a whole and being accepted is a positive way of assessing them. This will have great benefits in personal and academic development in the future.

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